Local Governing Body Membership 12, Quorum – 5, Term of Office – 4 Years

Local Governing Body membership: 

  •  2 elected by the parents of the academy
  •  1 member of staff elected by the staff body
  •  The remainder nominated by the Local Governing Body for Trust Board Approval
  •  Headteacher will attend.

Typically, a Local Governing Body will:

  •  Set and review the ethos and direction for the academy within the framework of the Learning Trust’s Strategic Plan
  •  Set and review the Academy Improvement Plan in line with the Learning Trust’s Strategic Plan
  •  Act as a critical friend for the academy and the Head
  •  Receive reports on curriculum developments, the academic performance of the academy and monitor the Academy Improvement Plan
  •  Oversee Safeguarding at the academy
  •  Monitor Health and Safety across the academy and contribute to the risk register as appropriate
  •  Support the Head with a number of delegated statutory duties, e.g pupil exclusions
  •  Recommend capital improvement programmes for consideration by the Board
  •  Engage with stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff and the community) and receive reports on their views of the academy
  •  Build an understanding of how the academy is led and managed
  •  Monitor whether the academy is:
      • Working within agreed policies
      • Is meeting the agreed targets
  •  Monitor how the academy is managing its budgets and resourcing effectively within the Trust allocated funding
  •  Chair or representative to attend Learning Trust Strategy meetings (3 per annum) to develop planning across the Learning Trust and share school priorities, plans and achievements
  •  Report to the Board through the cycle of scheduled meetings and activities

As a committee of the Board, delegation can be removed at any time. Where an academy is underperforming and a concern to the Board, membership of the Governing Body will reflect the need for greater support and scrutiny. 


  •  Hold a minimum of one quorate meeting every term and provide accurate minutes to the Board
  •  Carry out the tasks detailed in the Learning Trust Business Rhythm document
  •  Follow all Learning Trust policies and the governance Code of Conduct
  •  At each meeting consider, communicate and manage any conflicts of interest in line with the Learning Trust policy
  •  Develop and communicate the school ethos and values, within the overall Learning Trust ethos and values, and regularly monitor staff, student and parental engagement with them
  •  Support and challenge the Academy Improvement Plan and other reports from the Head concerning the performance of the academy and provide an opinion to the Board on the effectiveness of school performance taking into account the views of parents, pupils, staff and the community
  •  Support and challenge the academy budget, staffing allocation, buildings maintenance planning and other resources allocation and provide an opinion to the Board on sufficiency of resources to achieve the Academy Improvement Plan
  • Monitor and manage risks to the academy and provide an opinion to the Board on these risks
  •  Be responsible for the appointment of all staff except for the Headteacher who are appointed by the Board in consultation with the Local Governing Body
  •  Recommend a broad and balanced curriculum to the Board for approval
  •  Develop the use of the academy premises by third parties in line with the Learning Trust lettings policy

To find out more about the governance of the trust and the school please visit TCLT Scheme of Delegation

The commitment from governors:

  • 2 termly governing body meetings averaging 2 / 3 hours
  • An area of responsibility which will involve visits to the school and reports written
  • Specific issues that could involve a series of connected meetings of a confidential nature e.g. capability/disciplinary/complaint
  • Willingness to undertake induction and other specific training as required

The role of Governor can be hugely rewarding in terms of the impact that they can have on the outcomes for children as well as the opportunity to learn and develop new skills that can be of benefit beyond the school community.

Annual Governors’ Statement 2021/22

Annual Governors’ Statement

Contact Details

Our Chair of Governors can be contacted using the below email address –

Chair of Governors – currently vacant

Vice Chair – Shona McCreedy: [email protected]

OMS Local Governing Body as at December 2022

Name Governor Type Start Date End Date
Jenny Bullock Headteacher Governor 01/05/2020
Nicholas Dalton Academy Governor 02/02/2022 01/02/2026
Shona McCreedy Academy Governor 01/09/2019 31/08/2025
Amy Furniss Academy Governor 01/01/2022 31/12/2025
Allison Kemp Staff Governor 01/10/24 01/10/28
Ben Mahoney Parent Governor 07/02/2022 06/02/2026
Karen Ewan Parent Governor 01/11/2024 01/22/2028
Carole Wetherspoon Academy Governor 01/03/2024 01/03/2028