The School Cafeteria allows children the opportunity of making their own selection and purchase. The daily menu is wide and now contains very little processed foods. Children are able to select from a variety of main courses, salad or snack type meals, as they require. At OMS we operate a Cashless System; children simply tell the till operator their name, and the meal charges are applied to their Dinner Money account, which can be viewed by parents/carers via the My Child At School (MCAS) app.

The cost of a child’s meal is currently £2.40 and this covers a main course and a pudding. Pasta foods and sandwiches are available. There is also a salad bar where pupils can select any choice at no further cost to their meal. Further items may be purchased at an additional cost.

Pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals can choose a main course and a pudding. Charges for any additional items purchased will be applied to their Dinner Money account.

If you would like further information on Free School Meals, and to submit an application if you are eligible, please visit:

Any children choosing to bring a packed lunch must eat in the dining hall.

To view our current menu, please see the below document